Biology Research Topics

If you are confronted with a biology term paper, it would necessarily mean that the gamut of your field is virtually unlimited. Generally, everything around us – the natural world, the world of plants and animals, humans, fall under the biology category. To give you an example of what could possibly be categorized as biology, think of the cell – the building block of life, and dinosaurs. Everything between these two, their normal and diseased structures and medicinal cures for them is biology. While you can view it as an opportunity to select a challenging topic from a multitude of different biology research topics, the breadth of the field can be overwhelming. It is necessary to focus your attention and think about what you like the most. For starters, biology can be broadly classified into botany and zoology or the study of flora and fauna. There must have been something that propelled you to take biology from a wide array of choices laid down in front of you. In any case, there are innumerable biology research topics that you can choose from – including ones that have been explored and some that have deluded man for thousands of years.

A general idea of biology

From the moment, the universe was created from the Big Bang or from the Proto-universe or even if you are a believer of the “Always has been” theory, the first cell came into picture. With biology, it is really hard to run out of research paper topic ideas. Microbes and their physical structure – the good ones and the bad disease-causing ones, everything falls under microbiology. Everything that cannot be seen with the naked eye but exists falls under microbiology. Higher organisms of the past like dinosaurs and other reptiles have a place in zoology too, while the major part of zoology deals with the ones that exist now – the extant creatures. Typically, plants of the past can be classified into paleo-botany and regular botany deals with plants that exist. Coming to humans, you can either choose to revisit the physical and mental structures of the early man or deal with the issues of the present – health, nutrition, diet, diseases, medicine and surgical procedures. Taking it at a macro level, the environment can be chosen as a topic dealing with the different issues in the world right now – pollution and how it affects the general health of man.
Considering that the system gives you a format for term paper, all you have to do is pick one of the more interesting topics from the bunch and research on it. Since biology is a topic that is constantly being written about, you can never lack sources for a specific topic unless it is a hot flashing news article or one of the latest discoveries. For instance, just after Jurassic Park, it would have been hard to find articles in support of the lazy and slow T-Rex while with the advent of Hutchinson and Garcia’s article, the general theory was refuted.

Coming up with biology research topics

Due to the volume of the field, thinking of biology research topics requires you to focus your attention on the segment of biology you like best. With this move, you would have effectively reduced the spread of the field to a fraction of the original. After having narrowed the list down, it is best to read reference material to spark some ideas. Unlike most other fields, it requires a laboratory and equipment to actually be able to research on topics. Therefore, reading is the best option that you have with respect to biology research topics.
It is fairly easy to target on a single topic based on your interest, public appeal and the number of sources available for a specific topic. With this, you have channelized your ideas into a single stream thereby simplifying the research procedure. It is best to make a note of all relevant data and filter out the ones that do not make a significant impression on the course of the topic. You may even be able to bag extra credits if you collect information on latest research articles. Typically, any biology paper would require the support of a few graphs, tables, data charts and diagrammatic representations. Therefore, you will have to pay attention to data gathering as well.

Some significantly important biology research topics are related to cell fragmentation, stem cell research, mitosis and meiosis, the chromosomal impact on the gender, global warming and its effect on the world from a health standpoint, DNA cloning, theory of evolution of life, cancer research, strange human disorders, the biological explanation of ESP and pollution. If you’re looking for more specific or even generalized topics, feel free to contact for your writing needs.

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