How to Boil Corn

Corn is a very nutritious and flavorful summer food which is rich in complex carbohydrates, niacin, vitamin C, fibers and folic acid. If you really want to enjoy the fresh and sweet taste of corn, then try boiling it as it retains the sweet flavor of the corn and keeps it juicy. In fact boiling corn is one of the most common and preferred methods of preparing corn as it is effortless and the corn is ready to eat in a matter of minutes. Also, it does not require any prior experience. The only thing that you need to consider is you do not overcook the corn as it will make the corn soggy. Once the corn is cooked, you can immediately serve it. However, if you do not know how to boil corn, follow the instructions given below, and you’ll be able to prepare corn in minutes.

Complexity Level: Basic

Time Required: 10 minutes

Resources Required:

  1. Fresh corn

  2. Water

  3. Pot

  4. Knife


1. Clean the corn

  • First of all, you need to remove all the husk and silk from the corn.

  • Next, you have to trim the stalk ends of the corn.

2. Pour water in a pot and place it on the stove

  • Now take a pot and pour enough water in it so that the corn may submerge in it completely but you don’t have to put corn now. Place this pot on the stove over the heat.

  • Allow the temperature of the water to rise until it starts boiling.

3. Boil the corn in water

  • When the water comes to a full boil, then carefully drop the corn in the boiling water. Place the lid over the pot.

  • Allow the corn to boil in the water for five to seven minutes. Once the kernels become tender then remove the corn from water.

  • In order to test whether the kernels have become tender or not, you can use a toothpick. Poke this toothpick into one of the kernels, if the they have become tender then the toothpick will pierce into the kernel effortlessly.

4. Remove corn and then serve it

Finally, you need to remove the corn from the boiling water with the help of tongs. Now the corn is ready to be eaten. Serve it with with butter.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How to boil sweet corn in milk?

Sweet corn boiled in milk is also preferred by many people. Preparing corn in milk is also very easy, all you need to do is to follow the instructions given below:

  • Remove all the husk and silk from the corn and then place it in a pot which is large enough to accommodate it.

  • Now pour milk in the pot such that the corn is filled halfway. Now pour water to cover the corn completely.

  • Sprinkle salt or sugar as per your taste. You can also add butter to it, which gives totally another dimension to the richness.

  • Now place the pot over the stove at high flame until the mixture starts boiling. Turn the flame to low the moment it starts boiling.

  • Allow the mixture to simmer for at least 10-15 minutes until it reaches the desired level of tenderness.

Quick Tips:

  • When boiling corn in water, you can also add a spoonful of butter for additional taste.

  • You can also boil corn in a microwave oven if you don not have a stove.

Things To Watch Out For:

  • Read the instructions manual carefully, if you are boiling corn in the microwave.

  • Make sure that you are not over cooking the corn, otherwise the corn will lose its flavor.

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