Britney Spears loathes her family

britney spears loathes her family 14

Britney is at loggerheads with her dad ever since he blasted her on April 20 calling her ‘out of control.’ The statement has really pissed off Britney and consequently, she has snapped everyone out of her life. A source said,

She says she doesn’t want to see anyone from her past.

Her relation with her mom Lynne Spears is no better. Lynne who co-wrote 2000’s Heart to Heart with Britney is also in her bad books. Problems with her mother started since she began dating Kevin Federline in 2004. It further deteriorated when Federline, 29, was given custody of their kids while Spears was in rehab. Britney alleges that the move was fuelled by her own mother. The source added,

She feels her mother gave Larry Rudolph power: He handed her kids over to her ex.

Although she still talks to her mother, but the conversations are never pleasant.

For her father, britney was quoted saying,

We have never had a good relationship. It’s sad that all the men that have been in my life do not know how to accept a real woman’s love.


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