Britney Spears: ‘My mom slept with Kevin Federline’

britney spears family
In the rarest of rare thoughts Britney Spears’s mom and ex-husband would have never thought that the two will be accused of sleeping together by their own daughter and ex-wife respectively.

But if you are thinking that I am trying to play a prank then you are mistaken as the troubled singer has really accused Lynne Spears and Kevin Federline of sleeping together. Since last few weeks Britney is just popping out one or another thing without realizing how it would affect her and people around her.

Her mental state clearly shows that the pop singer is highly confused, furious and doesn’t know up from down right now.

If she carries on this thinking and attitude then that day is not far when her two boys will be taken away by ex-husband Kevin Federline. As a matter of fact, Kevin has already filed an order for primary physical custody of their two sons seeing Britney’s mental state in past weeks.

So Britney babe, do wake up before it is too late.


Source: Allwomentalk

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