Caramelized Banana Mousse

caramelized banana mousse

Today’s Summer food is fruity and chocolaty, something that is enjoyed during summers in East India. I am going to share with you a unique banana caramel recipe.


Unsweetened Cocoa
Mashed Ripe Bananas
Cardamom Powder
Confectioner’s sugar


1. Caramelize sugar and bananas, stirring continuously over low flame until the mixture is sticky and brown.

2. Add one cup hot water to two cupsof hot water and blend well.

3. Add full-creamed milk, sugar and cream to it and cook until the mixture is thick.

4. In a ice-cream bowl add the caramelized banana mixture and top it with a scoopful of chocolate mixture.

5. You can garnish it with nuts or the toppings you like.

Serve chilled.

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