Nude celebrities mean fame, fortune and filth. The leaked celebrity nude photos inspire fascination and adoration from the masses who are sexually frustrated enough to care. So, this is the current state of celebrities these days if he or she wants to stay or get famous.
Can you imagine classy icons from past posing naked for photographs? They had some self respects that avert them from doing such thing. However, the technological advancement of mobile phones and those cameras helps people capture their photo (be it anything) and sending them to fellow beings. Celebrities are no different, apart from the fact that hackers hack their cell phones to get their personal picture and share them to the world.
Celebrities’ nude pictures, be it leaked or otherwise, are everywhere nowadays. It is the new trend. Also, that the introduction of sex tapes, adds a whole new dimension to the viewing of private moments of famous stars. There is no better way for these celebrities to get famous in a fortnight and be the prime topic of discussion.
These celebs do not surely worth our time. Why would we waste our time on some made up stories of such celebs and give them such attention. Even if it is in any movie, we see any actor performing a nude scene, we exaggerate the scenario. The news of the actor posing nude in the movie spreads like a wildfire and excites the audience and helps the movie makers to pull the crowd. It works as a handy publicity for the film.
Things were not the same before. But the trend nowadays is such, it is the need of the hour that without the consent of the actor she needs to pose nude just for the sake of being in the film and for her carrier to run smooth.
It is certainly not worth to give hype to this topic of celebs getting nude. We can say that it is the call of the hour; in India we see how a sex hungry country can accept adult film star in the acting industries. Skin show off late has been a quite important factor in the showbiz world. The ones those are willing to showcase their body, are in the hit list, while the ones those don’t, nobody asks them for a role.