Clearly Canadian’s original flavor formula to recoup sales

clear bottleA product release reports about the launch of Clearly Canadian(R) sparkling flavored water, featuring the new Pink Grapefruit and Blueberry calorie-free flavor formula, manufactured by Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation, Vancouver, British Columbia.
To quote Brent Lokash, President of Clearly Canadian:

Consumers have overwhelmingly missed the original flavour formulas and familiar packaging, which propelled this brand to the forefront of the alternative beverage category. In fact, the industry has already recognized the strong appeal of Clearly Canadian returning to its roots.

Reports provide that this beverage is manufactured based on the old natural, calorie-free formula and it is repackaged in the good old clear, maple leaf embossed bottle.

The reports provide that purpose is to recover the sales of this beverage, which had gone up when the originality of the brand was maintained. However, Clearly Canadian is going back to its original flavor roots at a time when flavors are designed in a complex way to suit consumers taste and health…hope it can live up to its original claim in the reformulated line.

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