The standard rule in dating which will remain evergreen and eternal in nature. They will never change even in the many millenniums to come.
1) Maintain Hygiene
Cleanliness is a big turn on in any or every relation. Every woman or man would love his or her partner to be hygienic and clean and tidy I nature. Nobody loves someone who stinks like a skunk and sports yellow or tobacco stained teeth. Also having the odor from sweat arising from the hairy armpits or even from the pubic hair is again a very big turn-offs for both men and women. Hence it is very safe to be clean and tidy with a basic sense of hygiene.
2) Pay the bill
This is especially for the boys. PAY THE BILLS! It is just not cool to make her pay the bill. Even if she insists or forces, you must pay the bill. There are no two opinions about it. That is how it is mean to be!
3) Don’t talk or ask about the ex
One of the most common blunders that most of the people make is talking or asking about ex-lovers and ex-spouses. IT shows that you still have an affinity for your ex still in your mind and it may spoil the entire date and the entire relation itself. !
4) Be a good listener
Being a good listener will strengthen the bond between two individuals. One must be a really good listener especially during a date. Most of the girls hate men ho keep on talking about themselves and don’t listen to them. This is a great run off again and can create problem even for the best of men.
5) Be yourself
One general tip for dating is that one must be as original as possible. He or she must not fake anything and try to imitate or ape someone. This will create troubles in the long run since people have to accept each other as they are.
After all, people date to find out the love of their lives and to find that missing spark of love. Hence one must emphasize on aspects like truth, honesty and broad mindedness.