Ever heard someone describe you as a cat or dog person before? Don’t be surprised if they do. Studies have revealed that a person’s personality can be easily gauged by their preference to owing dogs or cats as pets. For instance, take a look at certain characteristic and behavioral differences between cat people and dog people. Of course, these points are generalized and are dependent on stereotypes.
Dog People are more outgoing and sociable
It has been found out that dog people are friendlier than cat people and tend to be extroverts. They are more sociable and love to mingle with others in contrast to cat people who prefer solitude to groups.
Cat People are more intelligent
Cat people tend to be more intelligent and leave no stone unturned to showcase this quality as well.
Cat People like to live alone
Owing to their introverted nature, cat people usually prefer to live alone rather than with someone. It has also been found out that cat people prefer apartments to houses owing to the privacy offered by the former. Dog people on the other hand love to live with family or friends in homes.
Dog People are more conservative
This may sound surprising considering the fact that dog people love to socialize. However, it has been found out that dog people tend to abide by the rules and connect strongly with their traditional values. Cat people on the other hand, have a mind of their own and set their own rules.
Dog People are more obedient
Just like their furry friends, dog people have been shown to be more obedient in following orders than cats. Cats are nonconformists and show resistance to obedience. And cat people follow suit.
Cat People are more open minded
Cat people are highly creative and open minded. They tend to score well in areas related to adventure, imagination, creativity and unconventional beliefs. Dog people on the other hand, prefer to have things handed out to them on a plate.
Cat People are more sensitive
With creativity and imagination comes a heightened sense of sensitivity. Cat people are highly sensitive and showcase the same emotion openly. Dog people though are not that sensitive and can be indifferent to things around them at times.
Dog People are more masculine
When it comes to brains, cats win. But when it comes to muscles, the dogs win hands down. Dogs have also been associated with masculinity while cats have been associated with femininity. Gender bias notwithstanding, it has been found out that dog people are generally more masculine when compared to cat people.
Dog People can love cats, but not vice versa
Talk to a dog person about adopting a cat and he/she would probably agree to the idea. This is due to an inherent trait of acceptance that is prevalent in dogs as well as dog people. A cat person is quite different here. He/she will not be able to tolerate the thought of a dog in the home, and will probably not like adopting one either.
Cat People have sophisticated sense of humor
While dog people like to laugh at silly jokes, cat people require a more sophisticated form of humor to be impressed. They enjoy jokes that have been built around clever wordplay and ironic humor. It is easier to make a dog person laugh as he/she will laugh at literally anything from fart jokes to videos of people hurting themselves by accident.
Cat People are more independent
Finally, cat people love to be independent and exercise the same to their fullest ability. Dog people though are more sociable. This trait of theirs makes it possible for them to become dependent on others above them, thus following a more obedient route than cats.
Studies have revealed that a person’s character can be adjudged with the qualities he/she possesses. As such, the individual may be called a dog person or a cat person depending on the qualities of which animal he/she has.