Edible Photo, Inedible idea

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Baked goods now go photogenic, as confectionaries and bakeries have extended their services to print photos sent by the consumers, in an edible frosting paper, over the icing in baked goods. Well this idea was restricted to cakes, but facts provide that the services are also available for cookies, crispies, biscuits to offbeat business and invitation cards.

Doubtless, of the fact that the edible photos are interesting and can make a personal statement in an occasion, but it has its strings attached as consumers might find difficulty in taking photos from a professional photographer and then acquire a release statement before shipping the images.

Therefore, Sugar Craft Services and the likes might find the marketability of frosted pictures, but the procedure carried out to get the photo inedible might be a hassle for most of the consumers. Well as far as the edible ink comes into factor it is fun until the artificial colorings come into play and making an edible photo needs a higher degree of food art.

Via: Boing Boing

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