Election campaigns bring out the patriotic side in all of us-and after a flood of commercials, interviews and debates, we have no real choice but to form an opinion. Showing off your political preference on your clothing is a trend that is slowly catching on. Match fun pieces to let the world know about the team of your choice. This election season, irrespective of the affiliation you may be following or supporting, experiment with political fashion that is a fun and smart way to express your oitn of view and individuality:
What to wear:
The wardrobe has to be smart choices that speak for them selves, look for celebratory tee shirts. They explain what is on your mind and how you feel. You can find a number of them at Urban Outfitters, there are a whole selection for both men and women that include cheeky word play, funny images that keep you looking trendy and entertaining.
The shoes at Toms can help you to complete you look, they have a range that are known for their ‘one for one’ program. This way you can support the politician of you choice by wearing campaign ready shoes and support a good cause. You can choose form the numerous republican prints or democrat ones. They have also decorated classic Toms for the Vote 2012 series.
Women love jewelry and they can show off their choice as well. Designer Alex Woo has come out with a range of sparkling diamonds and tiny charms that have a cute but whimsical look. They are extremely feminine, so it looks like the guys are losing out on this one. These limited editions pieces are part of the ‘Little Activist’ collection that also includes delicate neck pieces in each party mascot.
This is another subtle way to show that you care about the country, brand Modify Watches has come out with their “Rock the Vote” collection of time pieces. Choose from this exclusive range of white, blue and red watches that are both sporty and modern silhouettes that will keep you uber patriotic and fashionably on time as well.
Those looking to make new friends or enemies can wear the neck ties designed by ABC Neckties. The company has released a series of designs that are largely bi-partisan. They go well with the Khaki pants designed by Bonobos that have embroidered donkey and elephant symbols all over it.
Participating in campaigns can also mean standing under the hot sun for hours. Take a look at the e-boutique- Benji Frank that sells sunglasses named after the many American presidents, you will alos be helping to restore some one’s vision under the company’s CSR initiative.