Saving environment has become one of the prime issues today and many organizations, government as well as private are working relentlessly to generate awareness among people. However, it is surprising that our political parties hardly pay any attention to these issues. During elections, some environmental issues become part of manifesto for some parties but as soon as elections are over, these issues become a thing of past.
Reducing green cover
As per analysis, it has been found that India should ideally have a green cover of over thirty-three percent but it averages only about twenty-one percent, which is quite dismal. Political parties and their candidates can do a lot to show environment friendliness and create a positive impression over voters.
As a positive initiative, candidates can plant trees in schools and colleges as well as stop using plastic flags and banners.
Outlook of political parties
Some parties have included brief about how they plan to save the environment, such as Trinamool, which has mentioned that they will work towards implementation of eco-friendly laws in its manifesto, but there are no further details on how they plan to implement it.
As political parties are not interested in these issues, many university professors, scientists and government officials are forming different communities for promoting use of renewable energy as a means of saving the environment.
Persuading political parties
It is worth mentioning here that many renowned people like advisors to renewable energy ministry, director of technology department in Assam and advisor to chief minister of one state has joined in a community for persuading political parties to form policy on use of renewable energy.
Most countries have already started using renewable energy on large scale and India should not be left behind in this regard.
Use of solar energy
By 2022, generation of solar power is expected by National Solar Mission to be 20,000 MW and if this mark is achieved then it will be quite significant accomplishment for the country.
In the coming years renewable energy will have significant role to play in meeting energy requirements of people in the country and the plans can only succeed if political parties support such schemes and assist in implementation of these projects.
To conclude we will say that it is every ones responsibility to save the environment and political parties will have to understand the present situation and support organizations working towards use of renewable sources of energy if they want to save the environment from further degradation.