There are certain books which suit the different personality types according to the Myers-Briggs test. What is the Myers-Briggs personality you ask? Well, it is a kind of personality test and a person can be one of sixteen types. Each type has four letters out of I (Introvert), E (Extrovert), S(Sensor), N (iNtuitive), F (Feeler), J (Judger), T (Thinker) and P (Perceiver).So you could do the Myers-Briggs test and see whether the book genres we have lined up for you match your personality type:
Best book genres for you according to the Myers-Briggs personality type
ESTJ – Extroverted Sensing Thinking Judging
The best book genres for you are thrillers – legal or political or military. You like to fight for your principles and your decisive and forceful nature loves action. So you have strong feelings about everything, and you like your brain to work too, which is why thrillers are recommended for you.
ISTJ – Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
Practical, detail-oriented and responsible, yet tending to dwell on the past. This aspect of your nature makes you and history ideally suited for each other. You love accuracy so you should read non-fiction history, as you may get really upset with the inaccuracy of historical fiction.
Your book checklist should definitely include the historical non-fiction genre, even if you were never into it before, you will definitely dive in for more, once you get started.
ESFJ – Extroverted Sensing Feeling Judging
The Myers-Briggs personality type ESFJs are people who are ruled by the heart. They love family values, harmony and community initiatives. Romance novels which are big on marriage and commitment with fairy-tale endings would be your cup of tea if you belong to this personality type.
ISTP – Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
You’re a lone cowboy at heart, which makes you fit for the ‘Westerns’ genre. You love risk and spontaneity and don’t mind a little blood, sweat and the open road. Westerns therefore is the choice for Myers-Briggs personality ISTP.
ISFP – Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Sensitive and quiet, your heightened artistic sense makes you a lover of all things art related. You appreciate beauty and so you will enjoy flipping through beautiful coffee table books based on photography and art. Your MBTI reading list will consist of graphic novels and comic books as well.
ISFJ – Introverted Sensing Feeling Judgment
The best book genres for you is Historical fiction as it fits your slightly more social as well your accommodating, loyal nature, from the other introvert types. Being heart-centered people, you love reading about events in the past which may not necessarily be true. Therefore your MBTI reading list has to include a dose of Historical fiction.
ESFP – Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Though you may be a party animal, your reading list is not filled with just fun books. You would also like to read the classics, fantasy books, religious books and self-help books, along with the chicklits and YA fiction.
ESTP – Extroverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
Myers-Briggs personality type ESTP are extroverted and adventurous, so adventure books, both real adventures and fiction will appeal to you. Your book checklist should have quite a few books on adventure and extreme travel stories.
ENFJ – Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Your Myers-Briggs personality ENFJ means you are charismatic, empathetic and warm. Most cult leaders seem to belong to this personality type. Your interest in the spiritual side of life means you would probably like to read books on spirituality.
ENFP – Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
Your free spirited, social and emotional nature allows you to view things as connected, but you don’t feel the need to analyze everything. The best choice of books for you are humorous/satirical short story collections as you are not the type to read 1000 page books.
INFJ- Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
You are probably idealistic, imaginative and insightful. You are strong-minded and probably stand up for your beliefs. Your personality type is best suited to read fantasy books in which good wins over evil. You have a keen, exploring mind so you also like to know about the latest research in any field.
INTJ – Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Analytical and logical, you love to learn – anything from trivia to reading about stories behind the scientific or medical advances is what you would like to dig into. And unique trivia collections would fascinate you and fulfill your need to read interesting facts.
ENTJ – Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Your strong leadership quality makes you a lover of analysis and logic as well. While you like acquiring information, you do not really like to sit down for long reading sessions. You would like to relax with a mystery novel, and non-fiction biographies of successful people.
INFP – Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
Out of all the Myers-Briggs personality types, INFPs are the dreamers. William Shakespeare, William Blake, J R R Tolkien, John Milton were some of the most imaginative INFPs. You might be a poet too, and might love reading poetry and classical fiction.
ENTP – Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
You have the reputation of being outspoken, quick-witted and alert. You love to match your wits and thus love to debate. Satire is perfect for you as you do not like any rules/limitations.You love to debate an issue from all sides to gain a better understanding. Apart from satire, you’d love to read thrillers and westerns, or true life Crime/Mysteries.
INTP- Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Logical, theoretical, cerebral are the defining characteristics. You like to discover new ideas, and are often on the border between scientific and fantastical. Therefore, the perfect book genre for you is science fiction. You would love reading about something which is based on science and has a good dose of fantasy in it too.
Some personality types love to read while others love doing things which are written about like styling themselves according to their personality. The above suggestions for book genres might be suitable for you, or might not be, as every personality type is not a fixed type but varies from individual to individual, with certain traits being more prominent than others. You could try reading the book genres we have suggested for you, and might discover that you really enjoy them!