Impact of Lok Sabha Election, victory of BJP on Muslims

Lok Sabha elections are going on and it is a crucial time for Indian democracy. In case Modi wins as has been predicted in many of the opinion polls, it may mean that any party will be able to win elections even without getting Muslim votes. Such a situation may mean different things for different people and we will try to analyze the same in the following sections.


BJP and Muslims

Everyone knows the political history of Modi and it is likely that many of the Muslims will not be voting for BJP, but if the party is able to form the government at the center without support of minority population, which happens to be the largest in the country will be worrisome fact for many.


Secular politics by other parties

In case of a Modi victory, Muslims will feel that they will have no say in Indian politics. In many of the strong holds of BJP, other so-called secular parties take for granted that the Muslim community will be voting for other parties instead of BJP. In this scenario both BJP and Muslim community are at lose since Muslims are not able to vote for the right candidate and have to choose someone who is fighting against a BJP candidate. Similarly, BJP also loses considerable votes in places where there is strong presence of Muslim community.


Preventing polarization of votes

Many Muslims are trying different tactics to prevent consolidation of votes from Hindus. As for example, many Muslim leaders urged Mukhtar Ansari not to stand against Modi so that they can stop community votes from getting divided. It is a gloomy fact that the largest minority community in the country has to use politics of fear to safeguard their rights and their very existence. Other political parties are trying to utilize this opportunity and win votes of the community based on their secular taglines.


BJP keeps its options open

BJP on the other hand is keeping both of its options open. It is attempting to gain Muslim votes while at the same time wants to keep its base of Hindutva unchanged. The party is trying to present itself as a new changed BJP, which believes more in democracy than communalism. This attitude has been reflected in speeches of Modi and other senior members of the party. It has been a bit disappointing for the Muslim community that Modi is fighting elections from two seats and one of them being that of Varanasi, many Muslims feel that it sends wrong signals to the community.

It remains a fact that despite all their effort BJP is still not a national party, which does not have a communal bias. If the party wants to win Muslim votes then it will have to work a lot more to win their confidence.

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