Indian Political System – A pseudo/perverted Democracy

Respected Patriots,
Here is the ‘Summary’ of my views for your perusal:
I am, as almost all other patriots are, disgusted by the way our political leadership is taking us in a degenerative path from one ridiculous fiasco to another. Degeneration of our society is manifested in almost all fields of life. Corruption is rampant; our national trait has become synonymous with Sycophancy, Hypocrisy, and Cowardice – ‘Hindu Cowardice’ of Khandahar fiasco. A nation of abundant natural resources, a rich heritage and a billion people has not established – leave alone leadership – even a credible presence in any field of competence. I admit we have made some progress after the liberalization of 1991. But that is nowhere near our potential, most of them secondary in nature… dependent on other Nations.

Almost all of us have read many article or heard speeches or debates on the malaises of our society; few even partook in the reform efforts to eradicate the perceived malaises; but got frustrated by failures. Failures because, I Profess, all such efforts were not targeted at real causes, but Corruption, Selfishness, Communalism… degradation of the political parties and institutions, the moral decay of the masses, etc. were wrongly projected/fought-against as the cause, while they really are just secondary symptoms, produced/aggravated by more basic primary symptoms, of our society’s rot.

I identify our political system itself, a PSEUDO-/PERVERTED DEMOCRACY, manifested through ‘Negation of inner-party democracy, Flawed Election system and Indirect Election of the Head of Government’, as the real culprit producing primary symptoms explained bellow:

• Character-crisis in political leadership is so appalling that political parties have become a den of tainted sycophants and opportunistic lackeys. Such vicious politicians have created vicious role mode for the masses to follow causing moral-decay to our society. They have degraded our representative bodies to ridiculously low levels, turning debates into pandemonium -Trunamool’s vandalism in W. Bengal legislature is the latest.
I believe, as Dr. Ra…, presenting our constitution to the nation, prophesied: “If our elected representatives are (competent) men of integrity and character they can deliver good to the nation even if this constitution is defective, but if they lack in these qualities this constitution is not going to save our nation…” So any reform effort without rectifying this most important cause, ‘Character-crisis’ in political leadership, is doomed to fail. Examples are aplenty where a rotten entity being led to prosperity and dignity after taking over its leadership by a person of competence and commitment.

• Proliferation of political parties: Our society is, as is our politics, a divided house today. Instead of national integration we seem to be heading with accelerated speeds to disintegration. Mullaperiyar issue is the latest manifestation of this disintegrative force. After the post-Independence euphoria, when we dreamt of caste and religion losing dominance, democratic India has seen the resurgence of religion/caste to the prominence in the politics. Hundreds of regional, religious and caste groups, the disintegrative forces, have proliferated, organized themselves as political parties and gained undue prominence through coalition politics and marginalized national parties from the regions of their influence. These parties incessantly pander to our communal/regional and all other savage passions, always reminding us of schisms of our diversity and driving wedges in those ruptures to create and maintain their vote banks. They cause hung parliaments, coalitions and the related instabilities.

• Instability, inefficiency and intermittent elections: Heads of our Governments, PM/CM, to Panchayat, are inescapably susceptible to coercion by political caucuses; are always afraid of which of his own (in)decision would cause his chair through an order from party caucus or withdrawal of support by coalition partners. We are always in an election mood – parliamentary, legislative, Mid-term, bye-elections – hindering development/wasting precious time and resources.
Vilification and disproportionate magnification of these symptoms – primary or secondary – by the media and intelligentsia as the causes of our society’s degeneration and nudging us to fight them does not only waste our time, energy and resources but also deflects our attention from the real cause, denying needy diagnosis and proper reform efforts.

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My endeavor is to cut the symptoms to their real size and expose the real causes to rectify them. Devoid of strong political parties, with a hierarchy of competent men of integrity and character, our democracy would not prosper… it would slip into further degradation and disintegration.

Concerned patriots are requested to partner in this patriotic endeavor and do whatever they can at their level to fulfill our cherished common dream: ‘A Great India’. Your present political affiliation, if any, is not a bar as every political party is afflicted by this degradation and this effort is partly to reform/strengthen political parties.

Sudhakaran, Cheravattail House, Narayanamangalam, Pulloot – 680663.
Tel: 0480 2804452, 09745821113. Email: [email protected]
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