In yet another prodigious political pursuit Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Janata Party leader Arvind Kejriwal went a step ahead to lodge an FIR against Mukesh Ambani, the chief of Reliance India Limited along with petroleum minister Veerappa Moily, and Murli Deora for allegedly conspiring the hiking of natural gas prices and thereby bestowing Reliance Industries with a fortune. Of course the political and legal status of the minister came under catechization, but that could not deter the minister to come forth with his views.
The Gravity of the Situation
This is certainly a gargantuan step and one-of-its-kind hitting the high-profile corporate sector along with the ministers of the Central government. While the accused are counteracting the statement in their own ways, the decision has gone down well with Gurudas Dasgupta, CPI leader who had formerly brought forth the price hike issue at the Supreme Court. The minister pointed that the escalating natural gas prices will impact the economy as a whole affecting everything from transportation and fertilizers to production of power and electricity as well as food products which will all shoot up considerably.
Whether Kejriwal’s statement can be believed is something which is under speculation now till the time the court gets into the depths of the matter. But if the price hike gets through in spite of all steps taken by the minister, it is sure to affect the common man of the nation substantially.
What it holds?
The result- the aam aadmi being suppressed and sandwiched by the skyrocketing costs and high living standards, while the upscale business class and ministers getting the profit out of it. The minister’s allegation even brings to the fore the government’s statement of the price hike being a decision taken on the parameters of international gas price rates which is again a debatable topic now that such strong evidences have been flashed. To conclude with what R Jagannathan of Firstpost quips corruption exists because of the system that we chose and created and hence it is essential that we go into the roots of it all to untangle the knots.
The janta is indeed hassled with the never-ending clashes and issues. Give us our democracy whereby we choose those who think for us. We are hungry for change. Hope the changing times come in to India soon.