Organic ingredients taking form of packaged foods, giving gourmet edge to seasonal produce

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The need of consuming local ingredients in the form of prepared and packaged meals has reportedly driven American grocery market to packaged local, seasonal and fresh organic food stuff. An article in the Seattlepi has elaborated on Eat Local, a grocery store situated in Queen Anne Hill that claims catering to both the section of readymade packaged food and the section of organic ingredients.

Facts provided apparently list out the gourmet healthy frozen meals in form of jams, honey, flavoured oils, desserts, baby foods and spices. Further claims on the produce being from 100 mile radius, packaged with transparent nutritional information and processed on a daily basis apparently makes the marketing of organic meals in packaged form more convincing.

However what might appeal consumer is the balance of nutrition with the wide variety of flavours usually available in packaged foods. Doubtless that packaged organic foods in the gourmet form caters to both dining convenience and health yet fact remains on the formulation of organic packaged foods to be far more appealing than artificially flavoured packaged foods in terms of sustainability and quick clearance from the food stocks.

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