Paris bags a role in Todd Solondz film!

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Sulk, sulk you Paris haters! Didn’t I tell you that she is practically invincible to your harshest attacks (read failed attempts!)? To give you some more shivers, let me announce that director Todd Solondz has signed the social butterfly for his next project.

The untitled project is a (sort of) sequel to Solondz’s 1998 black comedy, Happiness. However, this episode is set against the backdrop of a war. Paris’ co-stars for this film are Allison Janney, Charlotte Rampling and Paul Reubens.

Despite her Repo! getting a damp welcome by the critics, Paris has emerged victorious and slapped her critics with this latest offer. Keep it up, Paris. I’m always there to cheer for you!

Source: Evil Beet Gossip

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