Paris Hilton Should Apologize For Slamming “The Hills”

paris and pratt

Paris Hilton truly help define the phrase “famous for being famous”. The star again came to the headlines when she slammed the MTV reality series ” The Hills” calling it a lame show with no reality. Stephanie Pratt, a member of the show, was very upset over the whole thing and wants Hilton to apologize as there was no true sense in why she said it. At the Fifi Awards, Hilton blasted on the show???s portrayal of her boyfriend Doug Reinhardt, saying that it was all fake. Well, Paris earlier confessed that she has never really seen Hills, so how can she give such statements about the show?

paris hilton and boyfriend

Paris might be a little jealous, not because it is a better show, but because her baseball player boyfriend Doug Reinhardt enjoyed a couple of dates with Lauren Conrad, former member of The Hills, last year. Maybe Paris is trying to show though her ” intelligent” statement how much desperate and possessive she has become in last few days.

Image: Ucesy-sk , Chuvachienes , Zacktaylor

Via: Popcrunch

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