Here are a few reasons why you must learn salsa with your hubby?
Sharing the experience of learning a dance form on the tunes of romantic music along with your significant other half is a very powerful as well as satisfying feeling. Nothing can bring couples as close as dancing can . It can eliminate all differences.
Since this dance form is flirtatious in nature it brings the right dosage of romance into your relationship.
Salsa is teamwork thus it can strengthen your strained relationship. But be ready to face some rough patches while you are learning it.
Learning anything new can be frustrating, and it might happen that the couple take out their frustrations on each other.. Some partners blame might end up blaming one another for not doing the steps right. So couples are asked to help each other. This brings them closer.
Salsa has a certain level of sauciness that can spice up your life.
Other benefits of learning salsa are as follows-
-Salsa music is fast and upbeat, which makes the dance aerobic in nature thus fitness is improved.
-Salsa not only burns calories, but also relieves stress and stimulates brain cells in ways traditional exercise can’t.
– Salsa is a total body workout. It tones the abdomen,, arms, legs, -muscle toning
– Salsa improves balance
-Salsa can be substituted as a cardio workout
-It challenges the brain.
– It releases stress.
It is a playful form of dance which mixes fun as well as dance. It is loaded with emotional, physical as well as social benefits. It is suitable both for couples and singles.
It helps in maintaining the fitness levels of the mind and body, thus strengthens the neural pathways and improves the cognitive health of an individual.
Salsa is performed in different forms in different countries such as -Cuban form, Latin form, African form, Caribbean form—. It is full of creativity and is a unique form of self-expression. The way you turn your head or the way you move your hips as well as body, while interpreting the rhythm of the music is entirely up to you and your personality.
So salsa must be learned by all married couples.