Sex can well be called an obsession while some brand it an addiction. Call it what you may, the bottom-line remains that you cannot accept ignore sex. And no one can actually hate it! The truth remains that we paint tales and weave stories surrounding the fact that men obsess on sex. However, what we tend to forget is that women think of sex equally much and fantasize manifold yet somehow never obsess. Here is a look into the times women salivate and crave for sex.
Cricket Matches: In fact, any match that her partner is engrossed in seems a turn on for the fairer sex. Though we detest the number of runs and goals that our lovers swear by, his excitement and his punching enthusiasm indeed makes him more loveable. The way he sweats with excitement and the way he throws caution to the wind, make him delectable enough for us to lick right then. However, despite our desires, the obsession bit is cut out owing to his constant demands for finger foods. Even that thin line between partner and seductress is at stake, we often jolt back into being a regular partner. Thus, the woman’s fantasy tale stops right there.
His backyard barbecue with buddies: Right when he smokes and grills the sausage and all that he has is male company, our attention rests on his assets. Yes, we women can be mean and especially when it comes to getting hold of our partners, while some say we cannot tolerate male bonding, we merely feel to be in bed when he is all happy with his pals. However, the thought that our man does not get to hang around as often as we do, makes us the typical sacrificing woman! And yet again, our desires never lead to obsession, imagine a man in such a position. He sure could pull us into a corner and at least get a “job” done!
Out of the shower: When he steps out of the enclosure in the bathroom and wraps only that flimsy towel around his pelvis, we seem to have a mental orgasm. Especially during the early mornings when he is rushing to make it on time to his meeting and when we are in a dreamy mood!
Our carnal desires stir a storm within and we almost feel to go grab him and sit on knees, but his hurries attitude ends our desires and we fail to being obsessing. Perhaps that alone is the difference separating the Martians from the Venetians. We tend to control our desires as quickly as we develop them. Else men would never be men!