Red Hot Chilli Peppers frontman says rehab is overrated

anthony kiedis 2263Rehab is not doing much good to the troubled celebrities, who rely too much on the system, feels Red Hot Chilli Peppers frontman Anthony Kiedis.

A majority of celebrities turn to rehab in their hope of getting away from the difficulties they have put themselves into.

The former drug addict was thumbs down for the rehab as he spoke to Australian TV host Jabbas. He said:

Rehabs have their good points and their bad points. If you’re having a hard time breaking a bad routine, it’s a nice way to get away from your destructive routine. But rehab is also full of a lot of quacks that want to instantly diagnose you as this or that, or with something that you might not actually have, just because you’re on a bad drug run or something. And that can be very depressing and you show up and suddenly they decide you’re a manic depressive, when really you’ve just had a hard run of it.

Kiedis’ feelings on Britney and her recent rehab stint is a mix of reactions, as he says,

On a human to human level, sure, I feel for her, if she’s struggling but, you know, I think she’s creating her situation as much as the media is.

Kiedis’ concern is not without a cause, as he has seen the ups and downs of the celebrity roller coaster and knows very well how it all feels in the end. His autobiography Scar Tissue documents his personal drug experiences.

Meanwhile, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers are looking forward to play at Vector Arena in Auckland, New Zealand this weekend. The shows scheduled on April 21 and 22 are already sold out.


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