
Eliminate child labour

Whether due to the fear of being boycotted by large US stores like WalMart, JC Penny or GAP, or whatever might be the compelling forces, the decision of the Indian apparel exporters to formulate a code to eliminate child labour from Rs 46,000 crore…

Sir Paul McCartney’s tour bus attacked by mob

The weight of Sir Paul McCartney’s fame went a bit off-balance and the former Beatle was left practically shaken up after a mob attacked his tour bus in Mexico over the weekend. The situation turned normal for Paul and his team only after police hit…

Sir Ben Kingsley shows mirror to Heidi Montag

We all saw the audition tape that Heidi Montag made last week for Michael Bay to replace Megan Fox in Transformers 3, but it seems Michael is too busy at the moment. Anyway, Heidi can call herself lucky unlucky lucky because she still managed to get..

Casual Racism In the American Press

The racism against Arabs and Muslims in the American press has always, especially since the 1948 start of the Arab-Israeli conflict, been casual and ubiquitous.

Prejudice against Arabs and Muslims is stated and printed against Arabs and Muslims in a..

Amendment of some Nigerian Constitution

The House of Representatives was Tuesday amended 40 clauses, retaining the power to appoint the new Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission in the hands of the President.

The development foreclosed the clamour by Nigerian people..

Virginia White Supremacist License Plate

With the election of President Barack Obama, the racists are out of the woodworks. Some are subtle in their racism – i.e. Tea Party crowd – while others boost about it.

That is where Virginia – where the Christian zealot governor recently inaugurated.

Marital Rape Kills 13 Year Old Yemeni Bride

“Marital rape” a shocking combination of words because once you are married and if your husband wants to enjoy his right for sex it is not treated as rape even if you are an unwilling partner in the act,he has full freedom to exercise his marital…

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