‘Royal Salute’ Scotch sold at a whopping $29,798.50

royal saluteA recent report in shows that 50-year old Royal Salute, one of the most expensive bottles of Scotch whisky, was sold in Auckland was sold for more than £17,000. Well I am not at all surprised by the fact that it sold so high due to the very fact that its production has royal strings attached to it. First being the production of 255 bottles of the same whisky to commemorate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, second a little less royal, to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Royal Salute whisky brand, third and the most noteworthy was to given to Sir Edmund Hillary in 2003 to mark the 50th anniversary of his joint ascent of Mount Everest with Tenzing Norgay.

The lucky procurers of this bottle were the creators of this very bottle, Chivas brothers and luckier was the Himalayan Trust for development work in Nepal, who got the proceeds from the sale.

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