India’s top dairy co-operative Amul is now the biggest brand for vegetarian cheese as the Global Indian even now prefers desi taste over the premium Bries and Camemberts of the West.
With world-wide demands rising increasing, exports will hit a record 600 tonne this year as Amul shreds competition with a growth of more than 20per cent.
Amul marketing head RS Sodhi says; ‘We do not use any animal-derived rennet in our cheese. That makes it pure vegetarian, which is important for Indians. That is also why it says ‘vegetarian cheese’ on the pack. As it also has a unique taste because it is derived from buffalo milk, NRIs across the world prefer to buy Indian cheese.”
For those who don’t know, cheese is is made by coagulating milk to give curds which are then separated from the liquid, whey, after which they can be processed and matured to produce a wide variety of cheeses. Milk is coagulated by the addition of rennet. The active ingredient of rennet is the enzyme, chymosin (also known as rennin). The usual source of rennet is the stomach of slaughtered newly-born calves. On other hand, vegetarian cheeses are manufactured using rennet from either fungal or bacterial sources.
Amul is exporting cheese to the Middle East, USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, and neighbouring countries like Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
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