Sushant Singh Rajput, a well known TV actor known for his role in Pavitra Rishta is a decent and cool personality. He recently gave his debut in a Bollywood movie, “Koi po che”, since then he is frequently being compared with SRK.
Career start-
Shahrukh Khan started his acting career with working in Fauji serial, thereafter in Bollywood movies. Similarly Sushant also started his journey from Television to Bollywood. This starts as a comparison point between them, for their personality is quite a same kind of.
A loyal hearty lover-
Seeing Sushant makes me think of SRK, the way he seems so gentle and loyal. SRK is his time Bollywood filmy lover, while Sushant is his time lover. These guys have that honest and calm looks on their faces so common. Like, I can imagine the way they’ll be proposing a girl and A girl will never be able to say no!
Boyish Charm-
These two account to have the same boyish charm in them. SRK’s zeal had made him survive for like so many years in this industry. He started dull, and came out brighter than before. Yes, exactly the same zeal is in Sushant and yeah, he’s just stepped into those shoes of SRK and one day is foreseen to come up higher and brighter than before.
Love story-
These two have the same fling of romantic legendary love stories. In fact, Sushant agrees that he tries the same kind of tricks as SRK to woo his lover. He is very loving as person, and is very much aware of all his responsibilities just like SRK. After all, if there is any mention of a love story, SRK is the first thing that comes to mind. Sushant may follow suit.
So, yeah! Seeing these two is taking an account of a bunch of similarities between the two. In fact, Sushant is a crazy fan of SRK and is keen to follow his footsteps to bloom and blossom. Their life is pretty same On screen and Off screen too. Well both of them are very close to their sisters and quite a family man. So if won’t be wrong if we term this great actor Sushant Singh Rajput as the new Shahrukh Khan!
Summary- This article sums up to sexy reasons of Sushant being the new SRK!