Here are some sexy tips for virgins.
1. Have it with someone who actually loves you
Have your first sexual encounter with someone who you like more than the person likes you. Girls sometimes prefer to have it with the older boy or the cool dude simply because they seem to be more experienced. But the fact is that this older boy cool dude might have had may previous such encounters. So do it with some one of your age.
2. Date the person for a sometime before making the big move
You must never have your first sex with a total stranger. Some girls feel that it is better to have it with a stranger. This is because they fear seeing the person again if something goes wrong. They feel it is easier that way. But the fact is you must not have it with a stranger. This is very risky because this is the first sexual experience you are having, so have it with a trustworthy person
3. Inform the person know it is your first time
It is convenient for both the partners if they know that this is the first time for you. If you do not inform him then the bleeding may freak out the guy. So make sure to inform him and then make your move. This is really a matter of trust and belief, so gently let the guy know that you love him truly that is why you want to get intimate physically but he must be cautious because you never have had any such experience in your life.
4. Have it in a nice place
The safest place to have your first sexual experience is in a bedroom that has a bathroom nearby. This memory will forever stay with you in your mind so, try not to hamper it with any unpleasant feelings. The more fun you derive out of it the better sex life you will have. After all you deserve more than the back seat of a car or for that matter the floor of a friend’s house.
5. Bring your own protection
Whether you’re a boy or girl be sure that you must carry protection with you. This is mandatory if you do not wish to become parents soon.
Furthermore, if you are looking for more of such expert tips, can help you with that!