Soon, Pill to Cure Laziness?

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Are you ashamed of your laziness? You shouldn’t be. Scientists have found out that it’s all in the genes. A study carried out in the University of California Riverside claims a desire to keep fit and do exercise is hereditary, and the discovery means in the future, drugs could be created to treat laziness in people by targeting the genes that cause it.

Laziness has many contours. In fact human nature is above all things lazy, and laziness is talent of the unproductive mid. The new generation suffers from chronic laziness; it exists on fast food, instant coffee, two minutes noodles, frozen dinner and instant gadgets. Who has time to learn multiplication tables; the calculators do all in jiffy. In fact laziness is mother of all inventions. All the biggest technological inventions by man, the airplane, the automobiles, and the computer say little about intelligence but speak volumes about laziness. In the words of Agatha Christi: “I don’t think necessity is the mother of invention, in my opinion, it arises directly from idleness, possible also from laziness to save oneself from trouble.”
We all will agree that bed is the greatest invention of all times, it is a great leveller. Whether prince or pauper all get the same warmth and comfort irrespective of caste, colour and creed, but laziest lot enjoy it the most, they are the blessed ones as they restrict their mundane needs to the minimum.
Lazy people have their own arguments to defend their position. They believe in ‘ aaj kare so kal kar, kal kare so parson, yadi pal mai parley hougi to fir kahe ko kar.’
The Western world does support this dictum that is why they tax work and heavily subsidize non-work in the form of social security.
Call them couch potato suffering from terminal laziness, the fact remains that despite all arguments about laziness it is amazing we work so hard to achieve it. Australian Scientists have named extreme laziness as motivational deficiency disorder. In severe cases motivational deficiency disorder can lead to many complications. Here are a few pictures of extreme laziness.

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So far there is no pill to cure laziness. As for depression it can be treated medically. Till the magic pill to cure laziness hit the market, try to find out possible cause (beyond genes) from a few listed below:
• Waiting for the right mood to do something
• Waiting for the right time to do something
• Lack of clear goal
• Overestimating the difficulty of the task
• Feeling as if task has been imposed from outside
• Too ambiguous task
• Fear of failure
• Perfectionism
Being lazy is a choice. If you want to stop being lazy first rekindle hidden fire in you. For that you must have a purpose in life, even to do some small thing you need a purpose. But do not forget all of us are lazy at times; we should call it indolence which is classier.

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