Celebrities may look very glamorous from the outside but they have certain strange habits which makes you feel totally disgusted. They can go to any extent simply to make sure that they are looking beautiful and glowing. Although they are celebrities they are first of all human beings, which means that they will be having all the character traits which a human being is expected to have. So, if human beings can act weirdly at times then celebrities can also act weirdly at times. We idolize them and love them and think they are perfect but maybe we are wrong on this point since most celebrities have some weird history about them, which might be some incident or some habit. We often wonder why are these celebrities like this but the truth is whatever be the reason behind this but they surely are somewhat weird .
The List:
Angelina Jolie – Being one of the greatest stars of Hollywood she has some really strange tastes. She has tasted crickets, bee larvae and cockroaches.
Victoria Beckham – Victoria is very keen on keeping her skin beautiful and clear and she can do it by hook or crook. Reports say that she uses a face cream whose main ingredient is nightingale poop, which is a natural cure for her acne problem.
Steve Jobs –The founder of the Apple is a billionaire who had a strange habit of avoiding showers. Though he was a genius he went on a complete fruit and veggie diet once because he thought that he would require any shower then.
Mariah Carey –She sleeps 15 hours a night and she is known to keep 20 humidifiers in her bedroom because she likes to keep it like a ‘’steam room’’.
Mark Wahlberg – He was charged with attempted murder and was known to be a drug dealer. At the age of 14, he was a cocaine addict and was part of some anti-social gang and at the age of 16 he attacked a couple of Vietnamese men due to which he was awarded a two year sentence.
Jamie Foxx – He is known to be a entertainer by birth. His acting and entertaining talents were so developed that when he was in school his teacher would reward the rest of the class for good work by calling up Jamie and having him perform for them.