Supermodel turns super cleaner as a part of her punishment

naomi campbell 2263Supermodel Naomi Campbell has indeed made the New York City Sanitation Department a more pleasant site as she gets going at her one week ordeal as a punishment for throwing a mobile phone at her maid last year.

At her sentencing in January her lawyer said:

she wasn’t cut out for cleaning and would rather complete her community service working with patients at a local hospital

but the sanitation department proved out to be the lucky winner.

According to Keith Mellis, a spokesman for the Sanitation Department:

Ms Campbell could be asked to perform a variety of tasks. It could be cleaning windows, cleaning up our offices, mopping floors, going down the hallways – various tasks like that.

Ms Campbell arrived at her new job with six-inch stilletos which are sure to be exchanged with work boots which the intelligent model brought in with her, and she wont be able to flash her sexy dresses either as she will be wearing a reflective orange vest as a safety precaution.

Photographers were delighted to see the contrasted landscape as the model glowing in the rising sun was doing her ordeal near the silvery gutters of the sanitation department.

Hope this week long unusual catwalk is sufficient for these supermodels to learn that hurling phones at their maids is not a very bright thing to do.

And I’m damn sure about that one lady having the last laugh.


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