Tips for dating

Dating is cool thing but can disastrous if you do not follow the basic rules of dating. Here are a few tips which will help you making your next date more enjoyable-


First be sure about the person with whom you plan to go on a date. This does not mean that you have to confront him directly but try to find other venues , for example –common friends or relatives who can help you in getting to know him.

Do not divulge too much information on the very first date. Maintain the mystery around you and try to create an aura around you.

Also do not forget what you are and do not pretend to be someone else. Be what you are and feel proud about it. Remember you may go on multiple dates but you must never compromise on your identity.

Communicate very clearly so that you get a fair idea about the other person. Do not make false promises . let things flow smoothly and do not jump at any conclusion.

Give more time   to your relationship . Do not make your first date be the yardstick for measuring the success of future of your relationship. Be thoughtful and considerate.


Try to do some fun filled activities when you go for your next date. These will be the moments which will bring you and your partner closer to each other.

Communication is definitely important but activities too are of high importance.

Take time out and find out important traits or qualities about your date. People like to hear themselves talk. So giving your date (or interviewer) the chance to speak — and actually listening to what they have to say

Some degree of flexibility is important in any situation. But, if you are too amenable, you often end up either not really getting what you want, being seen as a pushover or putting yourself in a situation where you can never really voice your opinion without being difficult. There’s nothing wrong with being firm when it comes to the things that are  important for you.

These are some of the basic tips in dating which will make this process a rather enjoyable one for you. You will be able to find your true love. Just be alert and put your best foot forwards and have the confidence to show what you are.

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