Top 7 tips to serve fondue

fondue 7

Cheese fondue, discovered in the Swiss community, out of the bare minimum of cheese and bread, to cover-up for the scarcity of fresh food during the winters, has reportedly expanded to find a place in global dining. An article in the Washington Times elaborates about the variations in Fondue that has made it the most flexible and practical form of entertaining. Facts provide that not only have cheese, meat, oil and chocolate fondues there are vegetable, seafood and fat-free fondues to cater to the health preferences of individuals. Some of the tips to enjoy your fondue is as follows:

1. Use thick earthenware for cheese and chocolate fondue and metal fondue pots for oil and broth-based fondues.

2. You can use wine for the traditional fondue or go for the low-sodium broths for a healthier option.

3. Vegetable dipping for fondue might include cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, croutons, asparagus, carrots, spinach, celery and broccoli.

4. Chicken, beef, pork or all the three can be considered for broth-based fondue.

5. You can serve a wide array of dipping sauces for broth-based fondue including hummus, pesto or cheese sauce.

6. Broths can range from both vegetarian to non-vegetarian or a combination of both.

7. You can include fruits, berries, cakes, biscuits, cookies and more chocolates for dessert fondue.

8. Keep only one spoon for cheese fondue, while six dipping spoons for meat fondue to avoid messing the dipping sauce.

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