India is a secular country and is one of the best democratic nation in the whole of world. It has a rich cultural heritage and whoever you speak to who has spent any time with the people of India will tell you the same thing – Indian folks are extremely welcoming, very friendly, helpful and very eager to introduce you to their culture and way of life.
There are many things to be learnt from a true Indian. Here are some of them:
- Adjustment with other people – Living with people from different religions and cultures together in one place requires lot of adjustment and understanding and this can be learnt from many Indians. As said India is one of the largest secular countries and people from following multiple religions thrive and dwell together. If there was no understanding and adjustment then there would have been utter chaos everywhere.
- Respect for one another – India has the second largest population after China. It means it is filled with people from cultures, following different religions, different status levels, etc. So, it is the respect for one another that bonds the people together.
- Diversity in living – Living together in harmony is what everyone desires. It is difficult and needs adjustment when every person is different from each other in the sense they have different food habits, dress habits, etc, since they come from different cultures. But we see that the people of India have accepted this fact and are living together more or less without much trouble.
- Brotherhood – Respect for everyone and for every religion. Most of the Indians treat everyone as brothers and sisters. Peaceful co-existence will not be there if there is no feeling of brotherhood among the people.
- Endurance and hard working – India is a developing country and hence there is a large section of the people who are still poor and live below the poverty line. They work hard and strive to continue living. However difficult it maybe they are all working for a living. You can spot such kind of people everywhere since India is teeming with such people.
Another thing to learn from Indians is that unlike in the western countries we do not see frequent divorce cases in India. The female counterparts specially have enough tolerance level to adjust and cooperate with the in-laws. This is one great example of adjustment and endurance.