Trump declares Angelina Jolie to be no great beauty

donald trump

Isn’t is just amazing to see how much fun goes on both on screen and off screen in the great Hollywood circle, and so common as bacon and eggs. The hot gossips, the dress downs, the mud parties seem to be a crucial part of a celebrity life. As big the canvas images grows, so grows rumors, backbiting, and bitching about fellow beings.

The most common pick up line would be ‘come let’s do some bitching’. Don’t mistake me, I am not using the word in the most feminine effect. Men are not to be left behind. And believe me, when men do it, it becomes even more interesting. And when we talk about men at such work, one trump card that would flash like a dragon breathing fire is Donald Trump.

angelina jolie

From time to time, Trump has breathed fire at quite a few celebrity names. This time he aims at Angelina Jolie. The ‘Larry King Live’ has always been where a soft question to its celebrity guest and bring out a hard-besought answer. Outspoken Trump speaks proudly that he is definitely the best spokesperson on beauty and Jolie is not a great beauty but an OK type nice looking woman.

Now that’s what we call a selling line. Well, we can’t question him on the fact that as his organization owns the Miss universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA titles. But what affects Trump about Jolie is that she has transformed a lot.

What he means by this may be Jolie’s acting as an ambassador for US. He out rightly banishes Jolie even from a handshake on the basis that she has been caught in never to be seen acts, according to Trump.


Image source: mycoolthing, golfblogger

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