Using a One Click Solution from to Achieve Complete PC Optimisation

When people run PC optimisation software such as One Click from or perform manual optimisation, sometimes it can make your PC run faster. But other times you can be left feeling that the PC is more sluggish, or the apps, especially your Internet browser is loading very slowly, isn’t responding, or just crashes after opening an image from a webpage. When this happens, you have to be able to tell what’s causing your computer to slow down. There are many reasons why tuning software doesn’t always work; it can be the fault of the software itself or other factors that affect your PC. It is your responsibility to research these factors and find out what you can do to optimise your computer.

So Why Doesn’t Optimisation Software Always Work?


There are a number of reasons why optimisation software doesn’t solve the issue that’s causing your PC to slow down.

  1. Some tuning software doesn’t actually do everything PC experts usually recommend us to do. A good example of this is when the software is missing a disk defragmenter function from its options. It is a good rule to check what your optimisation software does and does not do so when it fails to speed up your PC, you can try it out for yourself and see what happens.
  2. Your PC doesn’t have enough RAM. When your computer starts to slow down, even after an optimisation, while running new software you installed, it might be because the software is using up too much RAM. Be sure to check out the recommended specs for your application and compare them to the specs of your PC. If the specs of your PC are lower than the software’s recommended specs then that software isn’t compatible with your computer.If it isn’t compatible with your computer, you can do several things: one, you can buy more RAM sticks and install them into your PC. Usually, a modern PC has 2 to 4 slots for RAM and you can install up to 4 RAM sticks of the same size, brand, and It is recommended that they be the same to prevent incompatibility between the RAM sticks. Currently, the highest you can buy is 16GB of RAM per stick, making the grand total of 64GB RAM with a PC with 4 RAM slots. Second, you may also just buy a new computer, especially if your computer is so old that it still uses obsolete hardware.


If the software is compatible with your computer, then it might be that something else is utilising the RAM. Check if there are any other applications running. If you do, try closing them down which should free up some of your RAM. If nothing else is open, then the software or application itself might be using up too much space. This usually happens with internet browsers, especially ones that have multiple tabs open, using different websites that use too much multimedia, like social networking sites and video streaming sites. To fix this, close your browser and all its tabs, then wait for a few minutes before opening it again. You may also reboot the computer just to make sure everything from the RAM is dumped.

  1. Your computer’s parts or its OS might be out of date. Obsolete parts and software may be the cause of reduced speed. To fix this, be sure to keep your OS up-to-date and replace old parts at least every 5 years.
  1. Your PC is just dirty. Dirt gathering inside your PC may cause it to heat up, damaging its parts and slowing down your computer. Clean your PC’s fans and heatsinks

A good tip to remember is to not to assume that your PC is totally unfixable if it slows down. Ensure that you to look at every option and only when everything has been tried and tested and the problem isn’t solved, would it be safe to assume something is broken.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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