Why superfast broadband is essential today

In the past, Internet users were already happy with dial-up connectivity, despite it being unreliable and slow. When broadband entered the market, the memories of the frustrations dial-up Internet subscribers suffered were erased. Of course, we cannot discount the fact that dial-up connection is still the norm in many areas around the world.

Advances in communication technology led to the development of more gadgets and services. Moreover, various services such as iTunes, Netflix and others that use the Internet to serve their customers were introduced. It is interesting to note that while broadband Internet opened doors to new gadgets and services, it did put a damper on other businesses, such as music stores and DVD rental shops. As more gadgets became available, the demand for faster broadband increased exponentially. Just like there are several ultra-fast broadband (UFB) or fibre service providers in New Zealand such as TrustPower, a variety of plans are available, with download speeds from 30 Mbps to 200Mbps and uploads from 10Mbps to 200Mbps.

Reasons for increasing need for faster Internet

Woman on laptop

No matter what your web browsing habits are and the number of gadgets you own, what remains consistent is the need for super-fast broadband. Here are some of the most plausible reasons:

  1. Supports the home ownership of various devices

Tablet computer business woman

Most homes today have quite a number of Internet-capable devices that include mobile phones, notebooks and desktops, tablets, e-book readers, Sky+ boxes, Apple TV, media players, game consoles. According to a Frost & Sullivan research, ownership of smartphones in New Zealand will be at 90 per cent by 2018 while about 78 per cent of the population will be tablet owners by the same year. Research NZ released the result of their 2015 research which states that about 72 per cent of adult New Zealanders have access to notebooks for their private use and smartphones, which are the dominant device used for Internet connection, have a penetration of 70 per cent. Two-thirds or 64 per cent of adult New Zealanders have access to or personally own two or more Internet-capable devices.

  1. No more chances to miss out on services

Couple with a laptop

Internet-dependent services require faster Internet speeds. With UFB, consumers will be able to stream or watch videos continuously from different sources and download HD video content faster. They can stream music and enjoy better quality of service and features from video and voice telephony like Apple FaceTime or Skype.

  1. Super-fast broadband costs almost the same as basic broadband


While the price is still higher, it is going down steadily, and only a small difference separates basic broadband from super-fast broadband.

  1. Super-fast broadband allows remote working

social network concept

Consumers who work from home will be able to achieve a better life-work balance, especially if they have young children. Basic broadband connection limits connection to business systems. Employee communication can be erratic and customers contact and service can be hampered. UFB gives you savings because commuting to work is reduced. Super-fast broadband connection allows you to link to telephone and internal computer networks so you will have all our required office facilities right at home.

  1. Helps in your children’s education

Boy Using Laptop

Students at all levels, from grade school to university, will be able to access a wide range of research and educational materials in various formats. It will be easier to take lessons from the Open University and other virtual learning environments. Other courses are offered fully online. Doing research for homework and term papers will be a breeze. 

There are far more reasons why super-fast broadband is essential right now. You can do faster and safer online shopping. It can increase the value of your home. You can share broadband connection via Wi-Fi with family members efficiently without one device hogging bandwidth. With super-fast broadband, you and your family will be open to education, communication, leisure, entertainment and employment possibilities. 

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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