Yogurt from sheep’s milk to boost health

sheep milkOld Chatham Sheepherding Company home is the first Company to have launched a new yogurt-line made of sheep’s milk. From the production as well as the health point of view the yogurt from sheep’s milk does not require the addition of sugars or stabilizers, as it is naturally sweet and lot more thicker than sheep’s milk. The Company draws milk from 1200 sheep by cleaning utters, attaching inflations and drawing out one and a half quarts of milk from each ewe in 30 minutes. The yogurt is made in three flavors namely ginger, maple and plain.

If you consider the health benefits they are innumerable. As per as Nancy Clark:

Forty-eight percent more protein. It has 38 percent more calcium than cow’s milk. The fats go directly to the liver and going directly to the tissue in the liver is what you need for energy and your body to operate.

She compares both sheep and cow’s milk and chooses the former for larger health benefits. Recent research on sheep’s milk has proved that the fatty-acids help people with malabsorption symptoms, metabolic disorders, cholesterol problems and infant malnutrition.

It is good that dairy industry is bringing back the traditional use of sheep’s milk into functional products. To convince you of it’s functionality I have proof from the book ‘The Maker’s Diet’ by Jordon S. Rubin, N.M.D., Ph.D, where it is recommended to all…so go for it if you want to at the online retail store of the Company

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