Extreme travel requires extreme groundwork. If your travel plans involve physical exertion, extreme climate, or mortal danger, you’ll want to prepare yourself thoroughly. Find out some of the essential elements that need your attention in the weeks leading up to your adventure travel.
Research diligently
Read up on your destination, of course, but also research for making it sure that your outfitters, guides, and anyone else you’ll be depending on are top-notch sources for your extreme travel expedition.
In the United States, most providers have to meet minimum safety standards; otherwise, lawsuits would drive them out of business. However, in many parts of the world, litigation isn’t much of a threat. To find someone reputable, contact your preferred travel advisor, read reviews on TripAdvisor and other travel sites, or ask for recommendations from your social media contacts. While you’re researching, also look up the nearest well-regarded hospital or urgent care center so that you can carry that information with you when you travel.
Get in shape
This point might seem obvious, but many people book an exciting trek as an incentive to start a boot camp – style fitness program — and then procrastinate with that program until they get on the plane.
Instead of using the trip to motivate you to work out, save the travel planning until you have already reached your first fitness goal. Endurance and cardiovascular fitness are more important than strength training when preparing your body for extreme conditions. Specific training for your sport is also vital, so spend as much time as possible engaging in the precise activity you’ll be doing at your destination.
Pack well
Most outfitters and tour operators will give you detailed information and packing lists. Study the literature carefully to check your assumptions about what the operators offer and what you need to bring.
At a minimum, you’ll need sunscreen, a hat, sturdy footwear, and a basic first-aid kit. If your tour company requires you to bring your own sleeping bag, helmet, or other gear that’s difficult to transport, ask for recommendations for equipment rentals locally. Check over any gear you bring, or rent items that are in good condition before you set out on your adventure.
Get protected
Travel health insurance is easy to get and usually isn’t expensive. Your tour operator might offer you a policy, but you’ll be best served to compare coverage and rates with a few other providers before you sign up. Be sure to ask about your specific activity; most insurers charge extra for extreme sports coverage and some activities might not even be covered.
If you’re engaging in a high-risk activity, reliable travel protection coverage is vital. Take a look at supplemental travel medical protection memberships such as MedjetAssist that will arrange air medical transport to the hospital of your choice if you get injured or ill and become hospitalized.
All this groundwork might feel like it’s sucking the fun out of your adventure, but the opposite is true. Once you’ve finished the preparation work, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your extreme travel, knowing that you’re well-positioned to handle any obstacles or surprises that might arise.
Article Submitted By Community Writer