The food industry is evolving faster than you think to meet the demands of its customers. A few years back to get a whole vegan burger or a vegan protein bar we had to go to a health store, but today you can easily find them at your local stores! More and more people are choosing the vegetarian diet and many are going for the vegan lifestyle too. People are more conscious of their health and aware of the greenhouse effect the meat industry is bringing upon the earth, more than ever; everyone is trying to make changes in their lifestyle for longevity and wholesome wellness.
The food industry is committed to offering customers replacement for meat proteins through plant-based innovations. Some of the unique vegan alternatives that we came across which could be on our plates in the future are listed below.
Plant-based meat alternatives by Impossible Foods

Out of all the vegan alternatives, we researched for putting up this article, the burgers made by Impossible Foods, which took their R&D team 5 years to come out with the prototype, was the most plausible and mesmerizing one. This plant-based burger looks, feels and tastes like a genuine meat burger. It even bled and had juices like your normal meat burgers! The company says it has found the secret ingredient– Heme– that gives meat the taste and satisfaction to meat lovers. Heme is generally found in animal muscles and the company has found a way to make it out of plants. The company says its meat alternative burger is only a beginning and it intends to extend research for replacing other meat sources like chicken, pork, fish and even yogurt that is completely plant-based. Impossible Foods are out to please all you vegans out there, stay tuned.
Burger patty by Beyond Meat

Beyond Meat was the first company to successfully roll out a plant-based alternative for meat, in the form of burger patties. It is widely available today at Wal-Mart and other stores. Every burger patty serves 20 grams of plant protein and does not contain soy or any other GMO source plant base; it is one hundred percent vegan. The company claims that it has studied the 600 molecules that give meat its desired qualities and it has identified and incorporated these molecules into it plant-based alternative to give the desired taste and aroma of meat. Beyond Meat is definitely not a fad of the health conscious today as Tyson Foods –world’s largest meat producer— has invested in Beyond Meat’s future innovations in plant-based alternatives for meat.
Alternative by Memphis Meats
The above two alternatives are strictly plant-based and even though it gives you the desired taste, feel and texture of meat, it is not really meat. Memphis Meats grow their unique meat in labs from animal cells. No animal is slaughtered for the cause! The cells are grown in Petri dish and fed with vitamins and nutrients; the meat is harvested after a few weeks when it reaches the desired tenderness. Meat produced by this method can be cost-effective compared to the conventional rearing of animals for meat. The company is researching on techniques to grow chicken and duck meat by this process as future innovation.
Egg alternative by Clara Foods

A much in demand food product today is egg, especially egg white, as it is a high source of protein. Egg white is found in pasta, cakes, mayonnaise, margarine and many other food products today. Besides its demand by health enthusiasts, these growing food industries also have put huge demand on egg whites. To meet this demand, more and more poultry farm is raising hens for eggs and there is a host of cruelty against these animals associated with their breeding and rearing. To put a stop to this cruelty and meet the demand of egg white, Clara Foods have engineered a way to produce a completely plant-based solution for it. The company boasts that it is going to come out with a product that can be used like the normal egg white and is going to replace all the existing egg white replacements in the market.
From the series of funding made by big companies on these ideas, we feel that these innovations are here to stay and will influence the way we are going to intake protein in the future.