Heartthrob Daniel Radcliffe buys third home in NYC

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Here’s the latest info for all Harry Potter fans out there. The young British actor Daniel Radcliffe has recently purchased his third multi-million dollar house in NYC. Imagine being a multi-millionaire in your early 20s and owning such large establishments! Well, of course, we all know how popular his movies are and how much he must have been paid for them.

Toronto Sun reports:

The actor, who has amassed a $63 million fortune since landing the boy wizard role in 2001, purchased the five-bedroom townhouse in Manhattan’s West Village for $6.4 million…Media analyst Mike Raia tells Britain’s Sunday Express, “Daniel’s property portfolio shows wise investment sense.”

The last we heard about Dan was that he admitted to having a girlfriend named Olive Uniacke, daughter of Harry Potter movies’ producer, David Heyman. And now he buys a new house? How cute would it be if both of these news have a possible connection. Who knows! After all, celebrities often have a knack of giving the most expensive, over-the-top gifts to their loved ones.

Image source: Assifa14

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