
Diwali sans crackers

Do we always have any specific way to celebrate any particular festival. If we do have such protocols I would like to question them. Festivals as we can view can in modern era is sheer enjoyment a healthy break from hard monotonous schedule we all go…

Water Crisis: Bollywood to be Blamed?

Scarcity of fresh water is a global issue; it has assumed threatening proportions in some parts of the world. Some enlightened soul had predicted that third world war will be fought for water. While every drop of water is precious, there is large…

The Slim look for men from Blackberry’s

The Indian Men like the Indian Women are not far behind as far as style or fashion is concerned. If you are the kind of man who has a regular workday followed by very blingy nightlife, you can choose the Blackberry line of Nightlife wear and Sports…

Soon, Pill to Cure Laziness?

Are you ashamed of your laziness? You shouldn’t be. Scientists have found out that it’s all in the genes. A study carried out in the University of California Riverside claims a desire to keep fit and do exercise is hereditary, and the discovery.

Kishore Kumar Songs, Pasta And Armani Suits

Vasu Krishnamurthy has an interesting tale to tell.His high profile job took him to the far corners of India.No matter how remote the place Vasu would try and dine at a local eatery offering …

Secret to Long Life, a Hot Cup of Coffee, Really?

Coffee is a mysterious potion; people drink it for different reasons. Some sip morning coffee for pep and some drink it for poop because of its stimulant effect. Some people think coffee helps them to lose weight. Alexander Pope, the eighteenth…

Mumbai is piracy capital

The commercial capital of the country, Mumbai has become the piracy capital of the country with at least 40 per cent of the money generated through sale of pirated CDs and DVDs comes from the city alone in the country.

According to estimate, only..

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