Websites that publish the best content get the lion’s share of traffic, subscriptions, and even sales. High-quality content generates return visitors, and a good website starts to become familiar in the search engines. When people have a choice between clicking on a random site or a familiar site they know has good content, they’ll usually choose the latter.
If you want to increase your conversions, sales, and email list, people need a reason to click on – and stay on – your website. To achieve this, you need to provide the kind of content people enjoy.
Producing high-quality content for your business website isn’t hard, but it does take planning and attention to detail. Writing quality content begins with a good idea, but it also requires knowing your audience. You could write the best article in the world about a given topic, and if your audience isn’t interested, it won’t matter.
If you’re wondering how to produce high-quality content in your industry, here’s a checklist that will help you figure it all out. First, it’s important to touch on what high-quality content is, exactly.
What constitutes high-quality content?
What makes content high-quality depends on your industry, along with some technical factors. On one hand,creating consistent blog content is a form of quality, but there are several more factors:
1. Discussing rarely addressed points
When you address issues other people in your industry skip, you’re providing more value to readers.
2. Well-cited sources
Just the mere presence of well-cited sources can boost the quality of your content. People like knowing you’ve taken the time to back up your claims, especially when you’re referencing science or statistics. When you can cite the source directly, that’s even better. It’s okay to cite statistics from high-authority websites, but it’s always best to provide a direct link.
3. Accurate information
Proofreading your content for accuracy is just as important as proofreading for proper spelling and grammar. It’s surprisingly easy to publish inaccurate information, and news outlets do it all the time. However, they usually correct the information and let people know about the mistake. You want to do the same, except when you’re not a news site, it’s better to delete the inaccuracy completely and replace it with the accurate information to avoid confusion.
4. True expertise in your industry
If you can get an expert to write content for you from their point of view, you’ll have a major advantage over your competitors. Sometimes, all you need is a quote from an expert. However, they need to be a true expert who is highly respected and recognized in your industry.
Avoid trying to come across as an expert when you aren’t one.Many marketers say you can become an expert in any industry quickly, but that’s not actually true. Authentic expertise only comes from experience and isn’t just information you can memorize by reading other people’s content. Expert content should be presented by a true expert, or at least quoted.
Want to produce amazing content that people love? Here are the three most important questions to ask yourself about your content to ensure it’s of high quality.
1. How can I outperform my competitor(s)?
Outperforming your competitors is something you’ll need to strategize if your goal is to write high-quality content that delivers value and keeps people coming back for more.
If you don’t have any competitors, you already have the upper hand. However, if you already have competitors in your space, you’ll need to outdo their efforts in every way possible, including by creating outstanding content that will capture your market’s attention. There are several ways to do this.
Look for ways your competitors fall short. What subjects do they avoid discussing? What problems or pain points do they not address? Address the points they skip and look for ways to add more value than the content they’re producing. If their content is thin, publish articles exploring the same topics in-depth. If they publish content with spelling mistakes, pass your content through multiple proofreaders to make sure it’s perfect. If their website is somewhat jumbled, build a better website. Whatever they do – do it better.
2. What does my audience want?
Relevance plays a major role in how your market perceives content quality. Relevant content is automatically perceived to be of higher quality than irrelevant content, which is why it converts at a higher rate.
Figure out what your audience wants to know. Do they want technical information? Helpful guides? Inspiring content? Look at your existing content and see what they consume most. Which pages get the most traffic, and which pages are viewed for a longer duration? Use this information to discern what your audience is looking for and produce more content along those lines.
Knowing specifically what your market wants will help you produce the content they want to consume. Remember that what your market considers high-quality will always center on their needs, so be careful about giving people what you think they want. The most well-written piece of content won’t be valuable to someone who isn’t interested in the first place.
3. Am I willing to refine content continually?
High-quality content isn’t always created right off the bat. Often, it’s created in stages over time. Ask yourself if you’re willing to continually refine your content to improve the quality and value it provides. If you can commit to doing this, you’ll gain an advantage over your competitors who publish content and leave it alone.
Place a heavy focus on your market
Are you producing content your audience wants? Are you publishing content they can’t get enough of? Yes, it’s important to publish content on a regular basis and make sure your content is polished with perfect spelling and grammar. However, the most important factor in determining quality will always be what your audience wants.
To produce high-quality content, place the majority of your attention on creating content your audience wants and needs. Once you meet their needs, polished articles with perfect grammar, spelling, and SEO will keep them coming back for more.
Article Submitted By Community Writer