Here are a few interesting tips that will help you in dating any French man –
- Never be surprised to hear that French men do not usually go on dates. For them this word sounds too demeaning. They prefer to call it a rendezvous which literally means “meeting you”.
- This is just the French method of dating. They like to go for dinner parties on every weekend where single people as well as people who are committed can hang out together and indulge in some engaging cultural conversations while guzzling fresh wine.
- If you happen to meet a nice French man on any an dinner party and you find him interesting and he too reciprocates the same feeling , then you would most likely think he will ask you for a date, but you are mistaken here. The French man is more likely to invite you to ask you to go for a walk with him.
- Do not kiss any French man if you do not intend to get into a relationship with him . A kiss on the lips definitely means that you want to have a relationship with this person and as we know the French men are known to be very sensitive. So do not play with his emotions.So be careful not to send any wrong signal.
- You may feel that French men are keeping their distance and intentionally avoiding verbal affection. This is because French men like to maintain their independence. They are not the ones who will send you a bunch of sweet texts on your mobile. They are very practical.
- You have to understand and respect the cultural differences. Whenever you feel that something is unclear or wrong then talk about this directly. This is your best chance of making it all work out fine. This will make dating a French guy easier.
A French man’s personal sense of style is very boring , and he is expected to have a closet filled with multiple variations of the same outfit. They hate dressing casually and do not want their partners to dress casually . So go out there and make an effort to look dressy and this will surely please your French guy.