Health advisers insist that condoms be used as it prevents the spread of diseases and other related ailments. But if your doctor or health adviser were to tell you this, you probably will not take it seriously and many people still choose to forego safety with the intention of good sex.
Many celebrities are appearing as brand ambassadors of condom manufacturing companies, there are two mina reasons. The first one is marketing and promotion, stars are considered to be bold when they endorse condom manufacturing companies they also get paid for using their names to promote something. No one can really blame them as this is how they earn their living. The real advantage of this is that people may start using condoms as they see their favorite stars endorsing the same, and this is message that is worth drilling into people’s minds. After all, thirty seconds of pleasure is not worth a life time of STD’s and pregnancy possibilities.
Another aspect of this is that the companies that are manufacturing condoms need to sell them and the only way to successfully sell something these days is to get a celebrity to do it for you.
The current advertisement doing the rounds is Ranveer Singh’s new promotion for the Durex condoms. He has taken a rather brawny step to promote safe sex- once again going where no Bollywood star has ever gone before.
Traditional audience viewers may still be raising their eyebrows over why an A-list star would do such a thing, but there is good side to all of this. We have Aishwarya Rai endorsing AIDS/ HIV and Amitabh Bachchan campaigning for the Polio Dose. Ranveer on the other hand has created awareness for a product that is a precautionary measure, yet he is till under fire for doing this while Aishwarya Rai and Amitabh Bachchan are over looked.
It was Ranveer who had approached Durex and not the other ways around, so one can judge his intentions as a goodwill gesture and not just a cheap marketing gimmick. The bold rap song in the advertisement was designed to attract attention to a very important issue, where he boldly talks about the use of condoms for safe sex rather than talk in codes. The advertisement delivers an obvious message in a flaw less way without sounding nasty.
Sunny Leone was the first one to do this, but for some reason, she did not really make any impact and was not taken seriously. This could be because her advertisement was very indirect and actually confused many people with the ‘coffee’ theme.